The Perfetto logo is your symbol for affordable personal, business, and travel insurance in Berks County

Life Insurance

Affordable term life insurance and whole life insurance in Reading, PA, Berks County

Types of Life Insurance

Life insurance can help you secure your family’s financial future by providing the funds to cover burial expenses, uninsured medical bills, pay off your mortgage and other  debts, and maintain a comfortable standard of living.

Whole Life Insurance pays a benefit on the death of the insured and also accumulates a cash value. Whole Life provides the policyholder with a guaranteed amount to pass on to their beneficiaries. 

Term Life Insurance provides coverage for a predefined period of time. Premiums can be fixed for the period based on the "term" of the policy.

Contact us today for a free life insurance quote!

The Perfetto logo is your symbol for affordable personal, business, and travel insurance in Berks County

Serving Berks County for over 50 years

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